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Tips for Staying Healthy During Menopause

Jul 07, 2023
Tips for Staying Healthy During Menopause
For many people, menopause starts an entirely new chapter in their lives. Here’s how to stay healthy and reduce unpleasant symptoms caused by the cessation of menstruation.

While the end of your menstrual cycle might be something to look forward to, menopause symptoms can make celebrating difficult. Loss of sleep, joint pain, and recurring UTIs are just a few health issues that come with these changes to your body. With the help of a doctor, you can minimize these symptoms and stay healthy during the menopause transition.

At NY Midtown OB/GYN in Manhattan and Westchester, New York, our expert reproductive and sexual health team can help you prepare for menopause and navigate the aftermath of this significant life change.

What to expect during the lead-up to menopause 

In the time leading up to menopause, known as perimenopause, it’s common for people to begin experiencing telltale signs like hot flashes and night sweats. This is just a fraction of what’s to come, though symptoms vary from person to person. 

As your periods end and the menopause transition begins, you might experience the following: 

  • Dryness of the skin, mouth, eyes, and vagina
  • Reduced bone and muscle mass 
  • Saggy and sore breasts 
  • Mood swings, depression, anxiety, headaches, or brain fog
  • Weight gain 
  • Low libido
  • Increased risk of UTIs 
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Hair loss
  • Stiff and painful joints (arthritis)

While there is no way to stop or prevent menopause, you can manage your post-menopause symptoms with lifestyle changes and professional help. 

Staying healthy during menopause

For centuries, people have been finding ways to manage menopause symptoms, passing along advice to the next generation. Here are a few easy ways you can stay healthy and comfortable. 

Choose fabrics wisely 

Loose, layered clothing can help with hot flashes, especially when you wear breathable fabrics like cotton. It is also recommended that you place a fan or air conditioner in your bedroom, and choose thinner bedding to reduce night sweats. 

Join a fitness class 

Arthritis might make exercise sound painful, but low-impact workouts like yoga, swimming, or water aerobics can burn calories without putting pressure on your joints. Joining a class can also prevent depression and help you connect with others. 

Stay hydrated

This goes beyond drinking water. During menopause, your body produces less oil and replaces skin cells at a slower rate. To prevent dryness, make sure to use moisturizers, body lotions, eye drops, and lubrication regularly. 

Stop smoking 

It’s never too late to stop smoking, and the benefits of quitting begin immediately after you stop. By quitting cigarettes, you’re not only reducing your risk of heart attack and cancer, but you’re also making menopause easier on your body. 

When to see a specialist 

In the past, the health concerns caused by menopause were simply brushed off as part of aging. With hormone replacement therapy (HRT), there is finally an effective treatment for menopause. You might benefit from HRT if your symptoms are too severe to manage on your own, including extreme symptoms like hair loss, painful intercourse, or muscle weakness. 

If you’re struggling, a visit to a specialist can clear up concerns and give you options for treatment. At NY Midtown OB/GYN, we help women through all stages of life, including menopause. To schedule a consultation, call the location closest to you or book an appointment online